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Showing posts from April, 2009

Wise & Witty Wednesday

Hey, y'all! :) I got today's quote out of a little book by Matt Redman (he wrote the popular praise song, "Heart of Worship") called The Unquenchable Worshipper . I'm only about three chapters into it, but so far it's been great! Anyway, here's the quote... "The consequence of abandonment never enters into our outlook, because our lives are so taken up with Him." --Oswald Chambers Thanks to those of you (Amber and Vanessa) who posted comments on my "trying something new..." post to let me know you can see it. :) Y'all are so sweet! So, it kind of worked...I was trying the post-something-to-the-blog-via-email thing using my cell phone (since the actual Blogger mobile thing won't work with our cell provider). The good news is, you can see what I was trying to post. The bad news is, I had to edit it because it also had all this other stuff from where it had to go through the Alltel web server or whatever. :P So, I can use the e-ma...

If eggs could talk...

...what would these be saying? :) (it didn't work the first time, so I'm trying it again! :P)
I'm just testing something new...if you can see this and a picture, it works! :-D

Simply Sunday

the sweetness of a baby's face... taken by: me

Praying for Kayleigh and the Freemans

Hey, y'all! OK, there's this blog that I've visited a few times, but because there are *so many* blogs out there I can't keep up with them all, I hadn't dropped by this one for a while. Well, I was on it today and wanted to ask you all to be praying for little Kayleigh and her family. Kayleigh was born June 23, 2008, three months premature and weighing only 1 pound 1 ounce. Her family calls her their "one pound blessing". :) She has spent her entire life to this point in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit), undergoing various surgeries, etc. Her latest surgery seemed to be a success, but now she is not responding as she should and the doctors have said she is basically brain dead. They were doing another EEG (not sure what that stands for, but it monitors brain activity or something like that) today; I don't know what the results of that are yet. Just, please be praying for this young family!!! Also ...real quick, wanted to let y'all know ...

Wise & Witty Wednesday

OK, today's "Wise & Witty" bit is going to be a poem I used to have memorized and still love...and need to remind myself of these days! Procrastination author unknown He was going to be all that a mortal should be-- Tomorrow. No one should be kinder or braver than he-- Tomorrow. A friend who was troubled and weary he knew, Who'd be glad for a lift, and who needed it, too; On him he would call and see what he could do-- Tomorrow. Each morning he stacked up the letters he'd write-- Tomorrow. And thought of the folks he would fill with delight-- Tomorrow. It was too bad, indeed, he was busy today, And hadn't a minute to stop on his way; More time he would have to give others, he'd say-- Tomorrow. The greatest of mortals this man would have been-- Tomorrow. The world would have known him would he ever have seen-- Tomorrow. But the fact is, he died, and he faded from view, And all that he left, when living was through, Was a mountain of things he intended t...


Those of you who know us, know how much we love our dogs. Almost two years ago, when we lived in San Angelo, Mom started talking about wanting a little dog. That was a bit unusual because we've always had big dogs and weren't really "little dog" people (they're usually so yappy!). But, Mom decided she wanted a little dog, "like a Pomeranian." Long story short, we ended up with the sweetest little fox-faced Pomeranian dog that we named Duchess. She fit right in to our family, and soon became the most spoiled, petted pup we'd ever had. Last night, when I got home from puppet practice, I went to let the dogs inside from where they'd been out on their cables while we were all gone. Somehow, Duchess had gotten tangled up in the cables, and was dead. We're all still in shock, or I am at least. It just isn't fathomable that she's gone. All day today, I keep expecting her to run into the room, jump up in my lap, or whine at the door just as ...

Simply Sunday

just a shot of the sky and trees, etc. from our front yard taken by: me, on my cell phone :)


Oh, I forgot ! I now have a button! :) Yep, since having a button for your blog seems to be the "in" thing these days I was bored last night with no internet connection, I was playing with this photo editing software I downloaded and made a button. So if you want to , you can put it on your blog. You know, if you want to. You can copy and paste the code below, or grab it from my left side bar. Whichever, I don't care. I'm in a weird mood tonight... :) Use this code to add my button to your blog: To add the button to your blog: go to the "customize" (or "layout") tab/section, click "add a gadget", select "HTML/Javascript", and paste the code you copied from here. Click "save", and voila! My button is on your blog! :) Love you guys! :)

Wise & Witty Wednesday

Hey, y'all! Here is today's wise and witty quote: "A planned life is a closed life; it can be endured, but it cannot be lived ." --Gladys Aylward on Inn of the 6th Happiness And, just in case anyone cared, I cleaned my desk off yesterday! :) I wanted to post this picture yesterday, but our internet was down, it is today! :) See, I can be organized...sort of...sometimes. :)

Concert pictures... :)

Concert reports are still in the works, but here are pictures from our EH&SS (Ernie Haase & Signature Sound) concert last Sunday. Enjoy the pictures while also enjoying hearing "the guys" sing! :)

Simply Sunday/Happy Resurrection Day!

*I tried to post this earlier, but my computer was having issues...* Christ the Lord is risen today--Morning has broken--Death has lost, and life has won--Because He lives, life is worth the living--He's alive, and I'm forgiven; heaven's gates are opened wide--Since I've found the Source of music, I just can't help it, God gave the song! (and yes, life is a song around here...a Gaither song, more often than not!) a sunset taken by: me, on my cell phone

My room says...

Hey, y'all! :) I know I missed both Tuesday and Wednesday this week; I was working both days. And I still need to write about the concerts we went to this weekend and get pictures up from the second one. And I will...eventually. :) Maybe tomorrow, we'll see. For now, I've got a kinda fun idea. I've taken pictures of random things around my room, and I figure I'll share one every now and then with the idea that "my room says" a lot about me! :) So here's one for today: My room says... I'm disorganized! :) And this was taken a couple weeks gets even better: this was taken just a minute ago. :) I wonder...what does your room say about you ?

Simply Sunday

the hail on our back porch earlier this week taken by: my Momma : )

Pictures from the Homecoming concert....

Hey, y'all! :) Mom and I went to the Gaither Homecoming concert in Ft. Worth last night. I'll get an official "report" written up later (it was AWESOME!!! :) ), but for now, here are some pictures you can enjoy....while also enjoying listening to a great song by the GVB, featuring the one and only Wes Hampton. :)