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Showing posts from June, 2009

Mountains and Walls

I feel like I’m on a mountain of sorts. Which is fitting since we’re talking about the Seven Mountains of Influence at church camp this week. Oh…you didn’t know I was doing church camp this week? I suppose that bit of ignorance could be attributed to the fact that I haven’t blogged in, um, almost forever. Sorry, y’all! It’s been a busy time, but it’s also been of time of evaluating why I blog and what the original purpose of this blog is. I don’t know if y’all remember, but the very reason I started a blog was to share with others what God is doing in my life. I think somewhere along the way I lost that, but now I want to come back to it. Not that there won’t be fun, rambling posts at times about the cute things the kids in my life say or stuff my dog does or just the normal weirdness of our family. But my focus is going to be on what God is teaching me and how He is working. Which brings me back to church camp. :) This is not your ordinary church camp (I wonder if RFF has ever done