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Showing posts from December, 2009

We're Here

Hey, I just thought I would let everyone know that we are in San Angelo...thanks to the Reid family, Joshua, and Robert for coming to help us pack and load up in Springtown! :) Our new house is pretty cool; maybe I'll get pictures posted eventually. It's a four bedroom, three bathroom house with living room, dining room, laundry room, kitchen, and breakfast nook. The breakfast nook will be our "classroom" and one of the bedrooms is the office. We're headed to Tulia, Tx later today to celebrate Christmas with Dad's side of the I need to get off of here because there are other things I need to get done before we leave! :) I hope you all had a great Christmas, and may your New Year be abundantly blessed! *hugs*

You Are Still God...

My friend Maegan gave me a "going away" present today that included a Scott Krippayne CD. The only song of his I'd ever heard was "I'm Not Cool", which I happen to love! So, tonight, while I was cleaning off my desk so I can finish packing my room tomorrow, I put the CD in to listen to it. I really like it so far, though now I'm stuck on this one song: "You Are Still God". It's just so perfect for the season of life I'm in right now! So perfect that I decided to post the lyrics, and a YouTube video I found of the song (with some random person's photos...), on here. Enjoy! *oh, and just FYI, sometime tomorrow our internet here in Springtown is getting cut off. So I'll be without internet at least until Wednesday. * You Are Still God I've prayed but still don't have answers At least none I'm able to see I've tried to rest in not knowing But not knowing's a hard place to be But as I return to Your pages The word...

But, God...

My life these days seems to be a list of "but, God..." prayers: But God, I don't want to move! But I will follow wherever You lead. But I don't want to have to let go...again! But I will live with open hands, clinging only to You. But my world is being shaken again, spiraling out of control. But You are still faithful, and You are in control. But everything is changing and uncertain. But You never change! But I love these people! But I love You more. But I don't understand why.... But You are still God. And I am still Yours. You still love me-- And I still trust You. It's as simple and as difficult as that.


*I wrote this in my journal the other night, and thought I would share it here...* Tonight there is peace. I am in my room--my "haven"--and my door is shut. The only sound is faint strains of the boys' classical music from where they sleep in their room next door. The only light is a few candles around my desk. My senses are flooded with a delectable blend of delightful scents--and my whole being is flooded with Peace. "My peace I give you," Jesus said. "Not as the world gives, give I unto you." There is still trouble in this world. Life can still be overwhelming. But here--now--in this place and this moment, there is peace in the midst of a fallen world. I'm reminded of Christmases past, when I would sit in the living room with only the Christmas lights and Christmas music on, staring into the tree and thinking: "This is Christmas." Peace in the midst of chaos. Quietness in the midst of noise. Resting, stopping even, in the midst of bus...