*I have been working on this post for quite some time; I originally wanted to post it at midnight, January 1st; I just couldn't quite seem to get it right! :P* There is a song that we sang several times in our church in Springtown; I think it's called "Open Up the Skies". The chorus says, " We won't be satisfied with anything ordinary; we won't be satisfied at all! Open up the sky; pour down like rain; we don't want blessings, we want You! Open up the sky; fall down like fire; we don't want anything but You! " That little chorus is my heart's cry these days. Who wants ordinary? Not me! I want God and Him alone! "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." --Helen Keller As I've been reading (or re-reading) biographies of Christians who have made a difference just over the last century, I find a common thread. They were all completely devoted to Christ, didn't care what others thought or did, but simply enjoyed the a...