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Showing posts from March, 2009

Tuesday's Tidbit, etc.

Today's tidbit is a heartbreaking one, and one that I went and looked up because this is an issue that is very important to me. For every two babies born another baby dies in an abortion. That's 1.2 million babies each year. That's over 3,300 babies every day. That's 1 baby every 25 seconds. That's over 50 million babies since 1973. And that's just here in America... Here's a few more tidbits: Do You Know? At 22 days after conception, a baby's heart is already beating. Do You Know? At 6 weeks, brain waves can be measured. At 8 weeks, the stomach, liver, and kidneys are functioning, and fingerprints have formed. At 9 weeks, the unborn child can feel pain. Do You Know? That 700,000 abortions are performed each year in America after 9 weeks into the pregnancy. Do You Know? The overwhelming majority of all abortions, 93%, are done as a means of birth control. Only 1% are performed because of rape or incest; 3% because of fetal abnormalities; 3% due to th...

Simply Sunday

have I mentioned that I love the sky? :D taken by: me, on my cell phone

Today, Tomorrow

Maybe that's an odd title for a blogpost, but I was drawing a blank and that's what I'm going to talk about, so... :D Today I'm kinda proud of myself. For snacks today I've had two bananas and a box of grapes, and at the moment, despite my nearly irresistible craving for either cookie dough (which we don't have in the house) or a spoon of peanut butter (which we *always* have in the house!), I'm eating an apple. The real shocker of the day, though, is that I ate broccoli at lunch. And I got seconds. And yes, I smothered it in hot sauce (don't like Ranch dressing!). But I ate it! :D OK, so only the people who really know me know what a big deal all of that is. I guess I'll move on now... Tomorrow --now, I'm very excited and a little nervous about tomorrow. We're going to spend most of the day at the Astles' house, hanging out with them. We'll get to meet the youngest Astle, little Christopher who was born last October. That's the ...

Pray, pray, pray for Stellan!

Hey all! Ooops, I missed both Tuesday and Wednesday...sorry! Part of it is our crazy internet that has been acting up the last couple of days. So, I was going to post a nice, long, random post today, but it's late, I'm tired, and my laptop battery is about to give out (remember the crazy internet connection? it doesn't work worth a hill of beans in my bedroom [:P] so I'm in the living room and didn't feel like transporting the cord. :D). So I'm just going to post a quick plea for prayer. [and I just used the word "so" three times in the same paragraph. told you I'm tired.] Y'all may remember a while back when I posted a "pray for Stellan" post when he had RSV. Well, he's back in the hospital--with SVT, a heart condition that almost killed him in utero. He was born with a perfectly healthy heart by God's miraculous power, but now the same problem is back, and it is a dangerous one. MckMama and her precious family would covet y...

Simply Sunday

the view of our neighbor's property from our "back forty" :D taken by: me, on my cell phone

Wise & Witty Wednesday

OK, I really do have a "real" blog post in the works...y'know, something besides some trivial fact or a quote or a picture. Hopefully, maybe I'll get it finished and published sometime tomorrow...but if not tomorrow, it will be at least Sunday before I *do* get to it, because we're going to Tulia to see my grandmother this weekend. And now, I'll give you a great quote and then I'm off to bed, BEFORE midnight!! :D "My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it." --Mark Twain (love you, Momma! :D)

Tuesday's Tidbit

Hey, all!! Well, so technically it's not actually Tuesday anymore, but hey... *shrug* close enough, right? :D I thought this was a fitting tidbit for St. Patrick's Day: Windmills always turn counter-clockwise. Except for the windmills in Ireland. On a not-so-lighter note, y'all may remember me posting the "pray for Jonah" request a week or so ago, and/or you may have seen Jonah's button over to the left. I just wanted to remind y'all to keep praying for Jonah, and his precious mommy and daddy. Patrice's post today made me cry...they are really going through the wringer right now. They're supposed to get the specific diagnosis on Jonah tomorrow (or later today...Wednesday!), so please remember them in your prayers especially on this day. Here's the link to their blog:

Simply Sunday

sunrise over Niagara Falls taken by: me


Hey, all!!! So I dropped off the face of the blog-world for a few days, but it's OK because none of you seem to have noticed. ;) And now I'm back! With nothing much to say or whatever, so here's for some totally random bits of my ordinary life. First of all, I'll say that I'm working on a "deeper" post that I'll try to finish and post tomorrow. But I'm not making promises. Because my plans don't always work out! My grandparents (mom's parents) were here for a couple days this weekend. We enjoyed hanging out with them--they were a welcome bright spot in our cold, rainy week!! Yep, it's just about rained for almost 3 days straight. :P I know we need rain, but does it all have to come at once? And why does it have to get cold when it rains? I like hot and rainy much better... But, this particular time it didn't bother us a whole lot because we just hung around watching videos of Hawai'i that my grandparents brought with them (they...

Simply Sunday

a flower in the flower beds at our house (we didn't plant these, they were a pleasant surprise coming up out there! :D) taken by: me, on my cell phone

Lucky Me

Look who I get to spend the day with!!! :D Is he cute or what? I'm not getting much done, but I sure am enjoying it. I have him for an indefinite period of time, since his mommy is helping deliver a baby at the birth center (she's the new apprentice with the same midwife my mom is studying under). He's cute, happy, and oh-so-easy! And he *loves* Sugar, though she's not sure what to think of him. *Update* And the best part is...I get to watch him a couple days every week!! Yay!! :D

Pray for Jonah

I'm about to head for bed, but I came across this blog from someone else's blog and thought I'd pass along the request for prayer. Oh, and be forewarned...if this doesn't make you cry, I'd be really surprised.

Tuesday's Tidbit

Hey, all! I know, I've kinda dropped off the face of the internet world; I've been working really hard on finishing these two papers for my Exodus class that I've been "working on" for ever . I finished one, I'm making steady progress on the other, and hope to be done with it by Friday. Until then, I'm trying to pretty much stay off the 'net. Just thought I'd explain my absence! :D Now, here is today's bit of "did-I-really-need-to-know-that?" information: A sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 m.p.h. Here's a couple of related ones: it is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. Go ahead, try it. Also, when you have braces and you sneeze and your teeth bang together, it HURTS. I suggest you NOT try that one. :D Have a blessed week, y'all! :D

Simply Sunday

an aspen forest in Colorado taken by: Momma