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Showing posts from October, 2009

My Room Says...

...I love purple! :) (yes, Amber...I'm going to make my bed... ;) )

oh, look! it's a blog!

I really thought I was going to do better at blogging this month. Ha! I have a post in my drafts section that I started two weeks ago, but there it sits. It's going to require more time and thought to finish than I have at this moment, so it will have to wait. However, it IS going to get finished and posted at some point! :) Today, for most of the day it's just Jonathan and I here at home. Weird, huh? Daddy, Micah, and Josiah are at a men's retreat/camp-out with the church, and Momma had to work today. So, Jonathan and I are hanging out (read: cleaning house and putting the new sheets on the beds and icing cupcakes :) ). This evening, there is a "praise for pro-life" thing at a church here in Springtown that we're planning to go to. It's a fundraiser for a pregnancy center. (October 24, 6 pm, Outreach of Love church on Hwy 199 in Springtown, admission is a baby bottle full of change...just in case anyone wanted to know!) Tomorrow after church, we're ha...

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

Fall has pretty much arrived in Texas. Y'know, cooler days and mornings that are cold enough for a jacket...OK, OK, so our temperatures have been in the 80's for highs (which IS "cooler days"; over the summer we were consistently over 100 degrees!) and lows have been in the mid-fifties (which DOES have me pulling on a jacket!). And yep, that's pretty much fall around here. If it gets much colder, we'll be talking "winter". :) So in honor of fall--I've redecorated my blog. New background, new banner. The thing I'm going to miss the most about summer is swimming. We've loved having a pool in our backyard for the first time in a few years, but now it's getting to where the water is WAY too cold to try to go swimming. *sigh* What are y'all going to miss about summer? And let's take an unofficial poll: what is your favorite season, and why? Just leave a comment and share your great wisdom on the seasons with the rest of us! :) Happ...