I really thought I was going to do better at blogging this month. Ha! I have a post in my drafts section that I started two weeks ago, but there it sits. It's going to require more time and thought to finish than I have at this moment, so it will have to wait. However, it IS going to get finished and posted at some point! :)
Today, for most of the day it's just Jonathan and I here at home. Weird, huh? Daddy, Micah, and Josiah are at a men's retreat/camp-out with the church, and Momma had to work today. So, Jonathan and I are hanging out (read: cleaning house and putting the new sheets on the beds and icing cupcakes :) ). This evening, there is a "praise for pro-life" thing at a church here in Springtown that we're planning to go to. It's a fundraiser for a pregnancy center. (October 24, 6 pm, Outreach of Love church on Hwy 199 in Springtown, admission is a baby bottle full of change...just in case anyone wanted to know!)
Tomorrow after church, we're having a "pastor appreciation" dinner. So another thing on my to-do list today is to make the stuff we're taking to the dinner... :) Anyway--October is Pastor Appreciation month, and our church is really working hard to make sure our pastors and their wives know how MUCH we appreciate them. What can you do this month to show your love and appreciation for the pastor(s) in your life?
I've gotta run...too much to-do and not enough to-day! :) But here's some quotes from the awesome kids/young people in my life to make you grin, chuckle, and maybe even LOL (laugh out loud)!
said one of the 3 year olds in my Pioneer Clubs class on Wednesday: "You're not Maegan!" (SO glad he told me!! :))
says Jonathan at 8 am this morning: "I've tried a couple of times to sleep in, but I just can't." (wish I had that problem!)
when I told the 4 year old I babysat this summer not to argue with me: "I'm not!" (oh, really?)
the same 4 year old, as we were walking to the park: "Look, Haley, 3-0-0-8. That's how old I'm gonna be after 11." (wow...glad I'm not aging at that rate!)
And to top if off, these are from Josiah, my 13 year old brother (which means they were funny on purpose...):
in reference to the game "Who, sir? Me, sir?": "It's not a game for slow thinkers; your brain has to go faster than your mouth!"
in defence of his ability to do fractions: "I know how to do fractions. 2/3 is 1/2."
Today, for most of the day it's just Jonathan and I here at home. Weird, huh? Daddy, Micah, and Josiah are at a men's retreat/camp-out with the church, and Momma had to work today. So, Jonathan and I are hanging out (read: cleaning house and putting the new sheets on the beds and icing cupcakes :) ). This evening, there is a "praise for pro-life" thing at a church here in Springtown that we're planning to go to. It's a fundraiser for a pregnancy center. (October 24, 6 pm, Outreach of Love church on Hwy 199 in Springtown, admission is a baby bottle full of change...just in case anyone wanted to know!)
Tomorrow after church, we're having a "pastor appreciation" dinner. So another thing on my to-do list today is to make the stuff we're taking to the dinner... :) Anyway--October is Pastor Appreciation month, and our church is really working hard to make sure our pastors and their wives know how MUCH we appreciate them. What can you do this month to show your love and appreciation for the pastor(s) in your life?
I've gotta run...too much to-do and not enough to-day! :) But here's some quotes from the awesome kids/young people in my life to make you grin, chuckle, and maybe even LOL (laugh out loud)!
said one of the 3 year olds in my Pioneer Clubs class on Wednesday: "You're not Maegan!" (SO glad he told me!! :))
says Jonathan at 8 am this morning: "I've tried a couple of times to sleep in, but I just can't." (wish I had that problem!)
when I told the 4 year old I babysat this summer not to argue with me: "I'm not!" (oh, really?)
the same 4 year old, as we were walking to the park: "Look, Haley, 3-0-0-8. That's how old I'm gonna be after 11." (wow...glad I'm not aging at that rate!)
And to top if off, these are from Josiah, my 13 year old brother (which means they were funny on purpose...):
in reference to the game "Who, sir? Me, sir?": "It's not a game for slow thinkers; your brain has to go faster than your mouth!"
in defence of his ability to do fractions: "I know how to do fractions. 2/3 is 1/2."