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Showing posts from November, 2009

crazy good times

It has been a crazy good week. :) Saturday started with Dad, Micah, and I going to a Silent Siege with other people from our church (more on that in another post). Then we met up with my sister who was coming into town for the weekend and she and I met up with a couple friends (her friend Jennifer, who runs an orphanage in Bolivia, and Jennifer's sister Heather). We had lunch and just hung out at a mall in Dallas for awhile. Then, we got back to Weatherford just in time for Amber to drop me off at a babysitting job; then she came and picked me up when I got done around 9:15 or so. So, my day started standing in the gap for unborn babies, and ended snuggling a precious little sleeping baby girl. :) oh, is sweet! Sunday when we got home from church, we ate lunch then all quickly changed clothes to go play volleyball at the the rain. 'cause we're crazy like that . Monday my sister left, but not before we played some two on two basketball in the *freez...


I love my mom's digital camera. It means that when I'm taking pictures, I can just shoot and shoot and shoot away in the midst of all kinds of craziness chaos and cuteness in the hopes of getting at least one great shot

My Vulnerable God

That just sounds like such an oxymoron. God...vulnerable? No way, right? He's all-powerful, all-knowing, all- everything , how could He possibly be vulnerable? And yet, I am coming to realize, He is. I was reading Jeremiah 3 (and 4 ...and 5 ) this morning, and I was struck by the plaintive tone. The Lord is grieving over His wandering, rebellious people, calling them back to Himself. "Return to Me!" He cries out over and over. It is the heart of a vulnerable God breaking for His people. He is not vulnerable by default, as we are, He is vulnerable by choice . He has chosen to love us so much we can hurt Him. He has chosen to keep His arms held out, open wide to welcome us home. Think about it; that is a vulnerable , defenseless position. God is not remotely frail ; He is, indeed, incredibly strong. He is not helpless ; He is the one who holds the world in His hands. He does not need us ; He is the only truly self-sufficient one. Yet He is vulnerable --to us. For us. It...

random ramblings...

Aren't pointless posts fun sometimes?! :) Life is crazy (when is it not ?) around here right now, so I thought it would be fun to do a "my life in bullet list form" post. :) Here goes: football : I am blogging during half time of the Cowboys vs. Eagles game. (Go, Cowboys! :) They were leading, 10 to 6, going into the half). I like the Cowboys, of course, and I also like the Manning brothers...which means that, as long as they aren't playing the Cowboys, I cheer on the NY Giants and the Indianapolis Colts. :) So Peyton and the Colts won their game today over the Houston Texans (20-17), but Eli and the Giants lost, their fourth loss in a row, to the San Diego Chargers (21-20). :( Jonathan's favorite team, the Arizona Cardinals, won their game over the Chicago Bears (41-21). house hunting : we'll be moving back to San Angelo in December, so we've been trying to find a house. We looked at one in Robert Lee; the property it was on was nice, but Robert Lee is ne...