What?! Where has the time gone?!
Life has been busy, and as I look back I'm really sad that writing is one of the things I let fall by the wayside. Lately, the Lord has been stirring in my heart, reawakening dreams and passions that have been buried too long by the "tyranny of the urgent". Writing is one of those things, and this blog in particular. I want to be more intentional with the blog than I was before, although I don't have a really clear picture yet of what that will look like. I'm starting with a simple goal of posting at least once a week!
Reboot: the dictionary definition says "to make a change in (something) in order to establish a new beginning". That sounds about right! The new design is more simple and focused than it used to be, which is indicative of where I want to go with it moving forward.
For this post, let me just give you a snapshot view of my life as it is now (because let's be real: catching up on 4 years is going to be impossible!). Basically these things fall into two categories, things that have changed and things that have not. Also, you'll notice a heavy emphasis on the people that fill my life...I am still a people-oriented person, for sure, and it's probably good to introduce these people to you as I am sure they will show up in future blog posts!
I moved out of my parent's house a year ago! It was a weird feeling, but it was a good transition. I am so grateful for my amazing parents and all the ways they continue to take care of and support me!! I now rent a cute little brick house in town, really close to House of Faith (where I still work). I am still single, I have a charming roommate named Carmela who is a great friend as well as a coworker. We also have a brand new roommate, Alexis, who is one of "my" dearly loved kids (she's actually an adult now...) and is interning at House of Faith this summer.
I volunteer with the youth group at my church (Angelo Bible Church), something that I have fallen very in love with doing. I have been stretched and challenged in BIG ways through this venture, so hopefully I've grown and matured in the process! I have also discovered some really deep friendships through this, most notably the acquisition of my "big brother", Kyle (the associate/youth pastor of ABC). I always wanted a big brother, and the Lord has blessed me richly with this one! His sweet wife, Megan, is also a very dear friend and their beautiful girls, Leah and Zoe, are a precious addition to my life, as well. And yes, they call me Aunt Haley.
As much as I love having "nieces" that are local, they certainly don't take the place of my "actual" nieces and nephew!! Brooke, Rachel and Raylan are growing up in a hurry and I do not get to see them enough...though right now they are in Texas for a visit and I am soaking up every minute I can spend with them! Brooke is almost as tall as I am and is maturing into a talented and gracious young woman. Rachel graduated kindergarten this year and is as verbose and precocious as always! Raylan is a heart breaker already; cute, charming and loves being the center of attention! I love the times I get to be the fun, doting aunt with this trio...though they do NOT call me Aunt Haley. With them, I have the cherished title "Aunt Sister".
I started a handlettering business last year, Chisel and Pen. Right now, it's barely a self-supporting hobby, but I'm hoping to build it into bigger and better things! Look me up on Instagram and Facebook!
I think that hits all the highlights...future posts will have more of what the Lord has been stirring and building in my heart and life! I plan to have fun re-entering the blogging world!