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Showing posts from October, 2008

Totally Random!

Hey, y'all! OK, so honestly I'm just posting for two simple, kind of crazy reasons: I've been bitten by the "blog bug" :D I needed the "posts" section of my blog to be at least as long as the sidebar items over to the right. :D But, as long as I'm posting I'll try to come up with something interesting or something. Or perhaps a series of random things...yes, that's what I'll do! Random thing #1: Over to the right, under the "about me" bit, you'll notice a "subscribe via e-mail" section. If you subscribe to my blog via e-mail, you'll receive an e-mail every time I post something new. Not just a notification e-mail, either, but it will actually e-mail you the new post. Pretty cool, huh? I'm loving all the cool stuff I can do with Blogger (and FeedBurner, which is who does the e-mail thing) that I couldn't do with my "code it all yourself" blog! :D Random thing #2: I am sitting here, in my purple...

Here we go!

Well, here we go. I've started a more "traditional" sort of blog. :D So far, I'm loving the cool (and easy!) formatting options, and the quick 'n' easy posting ability. Oh, and it has spellcheck, so that should help with my inevitable typos. The automatic archiving and comments are going to be really nice, too! For anybody who wants to read blog posts prior to this one, I'll leave my RejoicingComet blog up at . --added in later: I will leave my old blog up for a while, but I've also discovered I can move those old posts over here by playing with the "timestamp" feature, so I'll be working on getting it all moved into one spot. Just in case you cared! :D-- Also, just a note for those that may care, anonymous comments are enabled on my blog, which means that anyone can post a comment even if you don't have a Blogger account. I don't really have much to say right now, and certainly not anything ...

Christmas anyone?

Is anyone else in a Christmas mood already? I'm already playing Christmas music in my room...alternating between Christmas Gaither Vocal Band Style and Christmas with Ernie Haase & Signature Sound . Both are very awesome CDs! We're in the process of packing and getting ready to move. Mom's found a house for us in Weatherford (yay!), so when we head that way next weekend we'll probably go ahead and take a load of stuff with us. We're going to try and have as much as possible packed and ready to go by Friday! I really strongly dislike packing/moving, and will be quite glad when we get settled in our new house. *sigh* OK, I forgot a picture when I posting the pictures the other night. On the way back to Weatherford from Wichita Falls, we stopped in the little town of Windthort, Tx (I'm pretty sure that's what it was called...) to put gas in the car. We just loved this sign on the gas pump: Only in Smalltown, USA! :D Well, I really don't have much to s...

Concert pictures!

Hey, y'all! :D Mom sent me the pictures today, so here they are! Thanks so much, Momma--you're the best! :D First, some of the pictures from during the concert: This picture on the left is David Phelps singing "End of the Beginning" and here is the Gaither Vocal Band singing Gaither Vocal Band and Ernie Haase & Signature Sound sing "Give It Away" After the concert, I met Marsh and Wes from the Gaither Vocal Band (for the first time!) and got my picture taken with them; they had a crowd around them, so I didn't get to say anymore than "hi, y'all were good, it was so good to see you" (or something lame like that)...I always blank out when I meet "famous" people, I can't think of anything to say. :P Oh, and Marsh asked what my name was, so I also said, "I'm Haley." :D Later I came back to them to get them to sign the picture I bought of the GVB reunion taping, and as Wes signed it he said, "Man, I have on ...


Oh, wow! The concert was so awesome!!! :D Sorry I'm just now getting on to do a report, but things have been crazy. I don't have pictures yet; my mom is going to have to e-mail them to me. Hopefully I'll have them up soon! Throughout this "concert report", I've made the song titles links to YouTube videos of that song...not from the Wichita Falls concert, though. So they aren't exactly the way we heard them Saturday night, but they're pretty close! :D Also, this list of songs is NOT comprehensive; I can't remember every song every body sang. :D We just barely got to the coliseum in time, but we did manage to find our seats just as Rory Rigdon finished the announcements and the music got started. Rory is the Gaithers' soundman and part of the comedy duo known as "Kevin and Rory"...more on them later! We were pretty far up in the balcony, so for the most part we didn't take pictures during the concert. I think Mom took a few towar...

Here, there and everywhere!

Hey, y'all! Well, I am working on my list of things to do (and the many, many things that come up for me to do that are not on my list) in the next 2 and 1/2 hours before I head out of town--again! The trip to San Angelo was great; I had so much fun, hanging out with Amber and Caleb, getting to see and visit some of our friends in San Angelo, teaching Good News Club, going to church--even babysitting! :D The only part of the whole trip that was not fun was being sick in the middle of the night Tuesday night...I still have no idea what caused it or anything, I threw up once and then was fine the next morning. My nurse-big-sister was not happy that I didn't wake her up to take care of me, but what could she have done? *shrug* Tuesday evening, Amber, Caleb, and I went to see Fireproof--again. It was Caleb's first time to see it, but it was mine and Amber's third. :D It's a great movie, y'all! And still in the top 10, much to the surprise of many people (but not any...

Good Grade!

Fall is definitely in the air! Here in Midland, we are enjoying our cooler weather; it only gets up to about 85 during the day! :D We love it! OK, I only have a minute because I'm headed to San Angelo today to teach at the Good News Club, and I need to practice the lesson before I have to leave as well as pack, etc., but I just had to post some good news: I got my grade for Genesis last night, and I got an A (93%)! :D I'm excited... :D I'm well on my way in Exodus; I've done all the reading and listening and now I have to write two papers. Since I'm in San Angelo until Friday morning, I don't think I'll be getting much done this week, but hopefully I'll be able to get those done next week! :D May the Lord bless you all with His goodness and grace, and may your week be filled with His joy! :D