Well, here we go. I've started a more "traditional" sort of blog. :D So far, I'm loving the cool (and easy!) formatting options, and the quick 'n' easy posting ability. Oh, and it has spellcheck, so that should help with my inevitable typos. The automatic archiving and comments are going to be really nice, too! For anybody who wants to read blog posts prior to this one, I'll leave my RejoicingComet blog up at http://www.psalm686.com/RejoicingComet.
--added in later: I will leave my old blog up for a while, but I've also discovered I can move those old posts over here by playing with the "timestamp" feature, so I'll be working on getting it all moved into one spot. Just in case you cared! :D--
Also, just a note for those that may care, anonymous comments are enabled on my blog, which means that anyone can post a comment even if you don't have a Blogger account.
I don't really have much to say right now, and certainly not anything deep or profound, just hello and welcome to my blog!
And wow! This is a lot easier than coding my own HTML! :D
--added in later: I will leave my old blog up for a while, but I've also discovered I can move those old posts over here by playing with the "timestamp" feature, so I'll be working on getting it all moved into one spot. Just in case you cared! :D--
Also, just a note for those that may care, anonymous comments are enabled on my blog, which means that anyone can post a comment even if you don't have a Blogger account.
I don't really have much to say right now, and certainly not anything deep or profound, just hello and welcome to my blog!
And wow! This is a lot easier than coding my own HTML! :D