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Showing posts from January, 2009

Wise & Witty Wednesday

Time for some wise and witty quote... "Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God." --Heywood Brown Y'all have a blessed night. If nothing else, think of the fact that the week is now a little more than half over... :D

Tuesday's Tidbit

Y'all thought I'd forgotten, huh? Well...I guess I kinda did. :P Oh,'s still before midnight!! Here's today's tidbit... Blueberry Jelly Bellies were created especially for Ronald Reagan.


It is freezing outside--literally! It's a whopping 29 degrees out there and the roads are getting icy, so wherever possible, we Texans are holing up inside for the next couple of days. Today's high is only supposed to be 31! I was supposed to work this week in Little Elm, but with this kind of weather we decided not to chance the drive. So who knows...maybe I'll finally get these papers written and sent in for school! :D Anyway...not a whole lot really going on here. We'll just be doing school, trying to keep warm, hanging out by the fire... Y'all be safe and stay warm! God bless! :D

Simply Sunday

My sweet "baby" brother... :D taken by: either Mom, Micah, or me...I can't remember!

Playing House in the White House

Hey, all, I saw this on Sara's blog ( In Christ Alone ) and thought it was awesome, so I decided to share it with all of you! :D Regardless of your "political persuasion", you have to admit this is sweet. Enjoy! Letter that Jenna and Barbara Bush wrote for Sasha and Malia Obama

The Other Side...

I thought it would be fun to get Raluca's side to the "this HAS to be God!" story, and she so sweetly typed it out for me this morning, so here it is! :D My name is Raluca, I'm 16, I'm from Romania (somewhere in Eastern Europe....) and I'm a huge EHSS fan! In 2007 I "discovered" my gift of composing. Well, I was writing songs 10 years ago too, but those were just simple tunes, nothing worth listening to! :P First I started composing instrumental music (piano solo with soundtracks) and then I thought "Nobody listens to this kind of music....I should try writing SONGS (with lyrics)". The lyric part doesn't work for me...sorry, I just CAN'T write lyrics (well, I can write silly poems, stuff like "Silly Songs With Larry" from Veggie Tales, but in my language...since in Romania there are no professional groups like in the USA, I had no chance of writing a song...). My Mom advised me to take a public-domain poem and put music t...

This HAS to be God!!

Hey, y'all! :D OK, hopefully I've built up enough excitement through various hints in blog posts, e-mails, etc. that a few of you will actually read this... ;) Here we go: my latest "this HAS to be God!" story. Warning: this could will be long!!! Just remember that I warned you. :D I thought about making you all groan by starting with "On May 16, 1986, at 11:04 PM..." , but I don't have to go back THAT far for this story, so I won't. I am going to back up a little ways though. I've been scribbling bits and pieces of "poetry" pretty much since the time I could write. Some of those first ones are great for a laugh, and no--you can't see them. When I was 13 or so I started writing "real" poems, concentrating on the rhythm and rhyme and trying to actually make them sound good. And I was officially in love with the beautiful, lilting sound of poetry. One problem: poetry is rapidly going out of style. As my dad once said, ...

Completely un-themed

I've been scanning the titles of my blog posts recently and have come to the conclusion that there are too many themed, planned ones and not enough random, rambling ones that make blogging so fun. Nor are there any (lately) that really accomplish my original purpose in having a blog--telling you what God is doing in my life these days. So, I'm going to try to fix both those problems. I will ramble. Consider yourself warned. :D First, let me "classify" a statement I made yesterday in the "Tuesday's Tidbit" post. By calling the information "useless" I simply meant that you will never need it for any practical purpose in life. A game of Cranium or Trivial Pursuit, perhaps, but not much beyond that. Obviously, I find all the "useless" facts that I post on Tuesday's Tidbit very fascinating...that's why I post them. :D I collect tidbits of trivia just like I collect quotes. OK, moving on now... :D these days. Well, we got...

Tuesday's Tidbit

I'm just doing a really fast post tonight, so I can get to bed before midnight for the first time in a while... :P Here's today's bit of totally useless cool information: Abraham Lincoln, who invented a hydraulic device for lifting ships over shoals, was the only US president ever granted a patent. Love y'all, have a great night! I'll try to get a longer, more interesting, more meaningful post up soon. :D

Not Me! Monday

For those of you who may be new to the "Not Me! Monday" idea, the deal is I'm supposed to tell all the things I did " not " do this week (well, OK, maybe not all the things...for example, you probably do not care/want to know that I did not change 4 dirty diapers in two days this week). It's hosted by MckMama , so head over to her blog to see her and others' Not Me's. Some people have really funny ones, mine are just kind of...I dunno, "normal". :D But, it really is lots of fun, and this *is* my blog, so here we go: I did not cry when I learned that Guy and Marsh are leaving the Gaither Vocal Band--and I have n't gotten slightly teary every time I've heard a song one or both of them sings on since then, either. 'Cause I'm not going to miss those two at all ... I did not let Noah watch a couple TV shows on KERA just to help him settle down after being so upset when his mom left for work. I never use the "electroni...

Simply Sunday

my sweet puppy's beautiful, expressive eyes... taken by: me

Wise & Witty Wednesday

OK, so I actually managed to forget that it was Wednesday and all that great stuff. SO, I posted right before after midnight. (what can I say? so I can't tell a lie... :D) Better late than never, right? RIGHT?! Alright, I better just post the quote and go to bed before I get really crazy on you all. :D Oh, wait, I still have to pick the quote. Here goes... *grabs quote journal (yes, I really have one of those!) and madly quickly flips through the pages to find a good one...they're all good...OK, just PICK one!* You were born an original. Don't die a copy." --John Mason I do have one other thing to blog about before I go to bed...some "sad but exciting" news, to quote Wes Hampton . The Gaither Vocal Band has announced that their lead singer for 14 years (and one of our all-time favorites!) Guy Penrod is leaving the Vocal Band to start a solo career. At the same time, Marshall Hall, baritone for the GVB since 2004 (and another of our all-time favortes!), wil...

Tuesday's Tidbit

Hey, y'all! :D Well, I only have a minute, as I need to leave for Little Elm (and "work" :D) in about 20 minutes or so. But, here is "Tuesday's Tidbit" before I go: President William H. Taft was once offered a contract to pitch for the Cincinnati Reds. Happy Tuesday!! :D

Word of the....month *vbg*

So, after reading Jennifer's "Word of the Year" post at Homes of Love , I wanted to do the same thing. Problem is, I simply can't come up with just one word. SOOOOO, I'm going to do a "word of the month". That gives me 12 words for a year; maybe that I can do. :D So my word for January is: consistent I tend to be scatter-brained and easily distracted (unless, of course, I'm reading a good book or watching a good movie!), and a little hit-and-miss at various important things in life. Such as having a quiet time. Or having meals ready on time (my poor family). Or remembering all the other little things I'm supposed to do (I have to set an alarm to remember to vacuum the living floor when it's my turn). Or being on time with birthday cards, etc. OK, so maybe my problem isn't so "little"... :P So my word--and thus my goal--for January (and all of 2009, of course!) is consistent --to be consistent, that is. Not necessarily perfect...

Simply Sunday

a beautiful sunset somewhere between Texas and Pennsylvania, in March of last year taken by: me

Wise & Witty Wednesday

Hey, y'all! :D How do you like the new look? I know, if you're getting this through e-mail, that you may be wondering, "what new look?" Well, you'll just have to actually click the link and visit the blog to see it! :D There are all kinds of cute, cool, classy backgrounds, etc. at --y'all should check 'em out. The best part is that it's free... :D And here is today's "wise and witty" quote: "Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly." --Langston Hughes That's all I have to say right now...or maybe just all the time I have to say it. :D I'll try to post again later...y'all have a GREAT day, richly blessed with the Father's grace and encouragement! (Psalm 3:3)

Tuesday's Tidbit

OK, so I was about to shut down my computer and go to bed when I suddenly remembered--it's Tuesday! :D So, today's "tidbit" is going to be slightly it is: Ernie Haase & Signature Sound (one of the greatest quartets of all time) are currently putting in 5 straight 12 hour days in the studio to produce *drum roll, please* a new Christmas CD, due for release in the early fall of this year. :D (That's great news, just in case anyone needed to be told that.) Here's the other part of this interesting tidbit: apparently when these guys spend that much time in the studio they get a little tired, bored, and kinda a lot crazy. :D Enjoy this video, posted by Ernie himself! And now I am off to bed...y'all have a blessed night! :D

Simply Sunday

I got a new computer for Christmas (thank you, thank you, thank you to my family! :D) and haven't moved my stuff over yet, so this picture is out of the "sample pictures" folder that comes on the computer. :D Pretty, huh?

Looking Back on 2008

Happy New Year, y'all! :D Wow...I can hardly believe it's 2009!! Remember when the world was going to stop at Y2K? That doesn't seem so long ago--certainly not 9 years! So, I'm kicking off this new year the way I usually do--looking back on the last one and looking ahead to the year to come. To get started, here's a video of random photos of various events in our year. It had to be seriously condensed to get it short enough to upload on our slow internet connection, so there are quite a few events not represented. Maybe I'll get around to an "addendum" later...for now, here's the video: If you can't see it, go to to watch it! Looking back on this year, I think the only way to summarize it is: through sunshine and rain, my God is still the same. Whether in the times of laughter on an extended vacation up north or a (colorful) trip to Six Flags, or the pain and heartache of watching our grandfather weak...

Update on Stellan

Stellan might get to go home tomorrow!! He's been off oxygen for a while now and is doing good, so they *might* release him from the hospital. Yay!!! Praise the Lord! :D You can read the latest update on Stellan on MckMama's blog . Just wanted to pass on the good news!