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Not Me! Monday

For those of you who may be new to the "Not Me! Monday" idea, the deal is I'm supposed to tell all the things I did "not" do this week (well, OK, maybe not all the things...for example, you probably do not care/want to know that I did not change 4 dirty diapers in two days this week). It's hosted by MckMama, so head over to her blog to see her and others' Not Me's. Some people have really funny ones, mine are just kind of...I dunno, "normal". :D But, it really is lots of fun, and this *is* my blog, so here we go:
  • I did not cry when I learned that Guy and Marsh are leaving the Gaither Vocal Band--and I haven't gotten slightly teary every time I've heard a song one or both of them sings on since then, either. 'Cause I'm not going to miss those two at all...

  • I did not let Noah watch a couple TV shows on KERA just to help him settle down after being so upset when his mom left for work. I never use the "electronic babysitter" to help me do my job, so why would I start now?

  • I certainly did not let him watch one show more than I originally planned just so I could have more cuddle time with him and his brother Reilly, who had fallen so sweetly asleep in my lap. :D

  • I did not make a complete fool out of myself by "dancing" with the afore mentioned kiddos at Noah's insistence...dancing comes naturally to kids, but me? Let's just say my sense of rhythm is better suited to clapping on the beat. (But if I can ever figure out how to get video off my phone posted on here, you can see some really cute footage of the boys dancing!)

  • I did not send a text message while behind the wheel of a car because my phone battery was almost dead and I didn't want to risk losing it completely by calling somebody. I would not ever do that because texting while driving is dangerous and should be illegal. (note: I WAS {for real} at a stoplight while doing this :D)

  • I did not search almost frantically all over Wal-mart for Jonathan when he had gone to the bathroom and didn't return as soon as I thought he would (come to find out, he had a little trouble finding the bathroom, that's what took so long). I did not do this with a FULL (as in, overflowing) shopping cart of groceries.

  • I did not have to suppress a squeal of excitement when I got a "concert call" from sweet Hannah, who was at an Ernie Haase & Signature Sound concert in Ohio. I was not thrilled to hear several songs by the guys, including one of my all-time absolute favorites, Until We Fly Away, sung by the one and only Doug Anderson. :D (and Hannah does not have absolutely fabulous pictures from the concert here, so you do not want to make sure you go check them out! ;) )

  • I did not start this post on Thursday, saving it as a draft and adding to it since then, so I wouldn't forget all the things I wanted to include in my Not Me! Monday post!! I have a memory like superglue, why would I need to write things down to remember them? :P

  • I did not finish this post Sunday night and use the "schedule" feature so it would automatically post on Monday morning. That would be a lazy sort of thing to do (or maybe just a smart way to keep from getting suctioned into the vacuum of the blog-world too early in the day).
Well, there you have it. All the fascinating things I so did not do this week! You're invited to play along...just tell us what you didn't do, either in a comment here or on your own blog. Have fun! :D


Elyse said…
Hey girl,
HAPPY MONDAY! I never use the TV as a babysitter so I can get a little peace. Barney and Veggie Tales are rockin the brain now!
Anonymous said…
Haha! This is gets a little confusing, but it makes sense after the first few. Aw, I even got mentioned... :D
LeAnn said…
This is silly, but how do you cross out words in your blog? I want to do that!!
RejoicingComet said…
LeAnn, it's not silly! I learned it from comments on Elyse's blog (Following Him). Simply put the text you want "struck out" between these two tags:
< s > text here < / s > (take out the spaces)
You'll have to do this under the "edit HTML" tab when creating or editing a post.
Hope that helps! And thanks for checking out my blog! :D

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