Here we go with today's tidbit. Me being the "word-aholic" that I am, I loved this little interesting bit:
We had a great trip to San Angelo!! Lots of fun and laughter and way too much sugar...which might have played in to some of the laughter. :D We played "Who, Sir? Me, Sir?" yesterday afternoon; always a riot with our family! Papa was the "caller", and he is SO good at that. The faster it goes, the more flustered everybody gets, and the more fun it is!! The ones who were really cute, though, were the little kids that came in to play with us later...watching them trying to a) remember what they were supposed to say when and b) spit it out before being sent to the back of the line was as much fun as anything!
Then we played "In a Far Off Land"...that one you have to see to understand just how hilarious it was. I think Micah got some video of some people during the game, so I'll try to get him to put it up on YouTube (or let me) so y'all can see. It will definitely be great for a laugh!!!
And of course, with me and my little cousins Madelyn and Allison all together, we HAD to do a makeover. :D We did that yesterday, and both girls had a great time. This is the first time Madelyn has really gotten into the whole makeup-and-fix-your-hair thing (she usually prefers to play outside with the boys), and she was so cute and so much fun! I don't have any pictures of the actual makeover in progress (mercifully...I make the girls use discretion when putting makeup on themselves or each other, but when they go to do me, it gets really interesting. :D After they've had their fun and left, I usually wash it all off and start over. But hey...they love it!). However, maybe I can post some pictures from afterwards later.
Sunday morning, we went to our church in San Angelo (Angelo Bible Church), and got to see them do this year's Christmas program--written and directed by the one and only Pastor Jim Stanley (AND featuring a song sung by the kiddos also written by Pastor Jim...). It was very well written, everyone did a very good job, and I (for one) enjoyed it very much. *bravo, bravo* The only thing that could possibly have been better was to somehow have been involved in it.
Sunday night, we got to go caroling at a couple nursing homes (and for one sweet lady in the hospital) with ABC. We had SO much fun!! And then we got to go hang out at somebody's house and have refreshments and visit with all these people I miss so much AND snuggle the cutest little baby. :D Pastor Jim's grandson Malachi is so adorable, and just the happiest baby I have ever seen--all you have to do is smile at him and he smiles back. And, oh, when he laughs!! :D It just doesn't get much better than that.
So, whether with friends or family, we had a great time this weekend. I love San Angelo!! :D
Y'all have a great night, and happy Christmas Eve Eve! :D
The verb “cleave” is the only English word with two synonyms which are antonyms of each other: adhere and separate.
We had a great trip to San Angelo!! Lots of fun and laughter and way too much sugar...which might have played in to some of the laughter. :D We played "Who, Sir? Me, Sir?" yesterday afternoon; always a riot with our family! Papa was the "caller", and he is SO good at that. The faster it goes, the more flustered everybody gets, and the more fun it is!! The ones who were really cute, though, were the little kids that came in to play with us later...watching them trying to a) remember what they were supposed to say when and b) spit it out before being sent to the back of the line was as much fun as anything!
Then we played "In a Far Off Land"...that one you have to see to understand just how hilarious it was. I think Micah got some video of some people during the game, so I'll try to get him to put it up on YouTube (or let me) so y'all can see. It will definitely be great for a laugh!!!
And of course, with me and my little cousins Madelyn and Allison all together, we HAD to do a makeover. :D We did that yesterday, and both girls had a great time. This is the first time Madelyn has really gotten into the whole makeup-and-fix-your-hair thing (she usually prefers to play outside with the boys), and she was so cute and so much fun! I don't have any pictures of the actual makeover in progress (mercifully...I make the girls use discretion when putting makeup on themselves or each other, but when they go to do me, it gets really interesting. :D After they've had their fun and left, I usually wash it all off and start over. But hey...they love it!). However, maybe I can post some pictures from afterwards later.
Sunday morning, we went to our church in San Angelo (Angelo Bible Church), and got to see them do this year's Christmas program--written and directed by the one and only Pastor Jim Stanley (AND featuring a song sung by the kiddos also written by Pastor Jim...). It was very well written, everyone did a very good job, and I (for one) enjoyed it very much. *bravo, bravo* The only thing that could possibly have been better was to somehow have been involved in it.
Sunday night, we got to go caroling at a couple nursing homes (and for one sweet lady in the hospital) with ABC. We had SO much fun!! And then we got to go hang out at somebody's house and have refreshments and visit with all these people I miss so much AND snuggle the cutest little baby. :D Pastor Jim's grandson Malachi is so adorable, and just the happiest baby I have ever seen--all you have to do is smile at him and he smiles back. And, oh, when he laughs!! :D It just doesn't get much better than that.
So, whether with friends or family, we had a great time this weekend. I love San Angelo!! :D
Y'all have a great night, and happy Christmas Eve Eve! :D