So, here we go; the point is that I'm going tell you all the things (or all the things I can think of) that I "didn't" do this week.
- I did not trip and fall while running up to our back porch with my dog yesterday, banging my shin (hard) on the bottom step. I do not, therefore, now have a big "beautiful" bruise on my left shin.
- I did not cheer on the Dallas Cowboys yesterday while also telling them, "But don't sack Manning!" Eli Manning, that is, the New York Giants' quarterback. (it didn't work...poor guy "did not" get sacked 8 times! But, the Cowboys WON!!! Or should I say they did not win...? *shrug* I've got myself totally confused now!)
- I did not stay up until at least midnight pretty much every night this week...I would never do that, 'cause I'm a morning person and "turn into a pumpkin" at about 10 pm.
- I did not spend almost two entire days shopping this week...grocery shopping on Friday, Christmas shopping today. (which, of course, then does not explain why I'm just now getting around to blogging...)
- I did not cook, stuff, roll, and wrap 20 breakfast burritos
- I did not squeeze myself into a small space on my bed between my dog and the wall the last couple of nights just so *she* would not have to move. :D
- We did not have crazy weather this weekend, with temperatures in the 70's Sunday afternoon quickly followed by a cold front that had it down into the 20's Sunday night. Nope, that would NEVER happen in Texas! :D
- I am not wracking my brain trying to remember something that happened further back than Friday so that this NOT ME post will actually include my entire week
- And I am most certainly not blogging when I need to mix up the Amish Friendship muffin starter, hang up/fold/put away my clothes, and go to bed!! :D
Well, that's everything I "didn't" do that I can think of! What are some things YOU didn't do this week? If you post 'em on your blog, let me know so I can go read them! Or, just post them in a comment here!
"See" you tomorrow for Tuesday's Tidbit! :D