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Happy Valentine's weekend! I know for many single people this can be a hard season. I'd be lying if I tried to claim I've never struggled with some extra longing for a person to call my own around Valentine's! I've technically been single for 34 years. But, we'll only count the ones since I was old enough to think about being in a romantic relationship, which still brings us to like 20 years. That's a lot of practice at something when you think about it! As encouragement to all the singles out there on Valentine's day, and as a wrap up to this series on singleness that has been a year in the making, I thought I would share a few things I've learned are key to remember in this journey. Chase Jesus.  Really and truly, this is THE most important thing for anyone, in any stage of life, to remember. More than chasing dreams, goals, applause, status, money, power, attention, or even relationships, we need to be chasing Jesus. We need to be building our liv...
Recent posts

It's Me Again

Happy Thanksgiving!!  Or, day after Thanksgiving, anyway. I hope you all had a wonderful, blessed day yesterday, whatever your celebrations may have looked like!!  Today's post is simply an unedited prayer that I wrote as a poem in March of 2018 and recently re-discovered when I was clearing out the notes on my phone. Since it fits so perfectly with what I've been talking about, I thought I'd give you a glimpse into the raw emotion that I often feel is best expressed with a little rhythm and rhyme. Enjoy!   Hello, Lord, it's me again,  Back in this old place again  Where it feels like all my dreams have come to die.  The life that I thought I would live,  With a godly husband and lots of kids,  Seems more and more impossible every day.  I want to be held in strong, gentle arms,  Be loved by a man who will shield me from harm,  Someone to snuggle besides just a teddy bear.  I want someone to walk through life with,  To laug...

Sex & "the good Christian single"

 Yep. Buckle up, we're going there. This post might get a little uncomfortable, but it's a topic that can't exactly be ignored! And, as I said at the beginning of this little "series" earlier this year, "my goal is to be uncomfortably honest, vulnerable, real, raw." Besides, the world is talking about sex all the time , and if we as Jesus-followers don't talk about it from a Jesus-perspective, the world is going to shape the views and opinions of sex for an entire generation. Or two. Or more.  Let's start with some basic statements just for the sake of clarity: 1. Sex is God's idea, and it is good.  All through the Bible, from Adam & Eve being "naked & unashamed" in the garden of Eden (Genesis 2), to the graphic love poetry of Song of Solomon, to Paul exhorting husbands and wives to freely share their bodies with one another in 1 Corinthians 7, the Bible paints a picture of sex within marriage being good, beautiful, encourag...

To my married friends: Please don't forget me

To all my married friends: Please don't forget about me. I need you. Let me explain. I need to know I'm not half of a whole. I know that none of you consciously believe this, but sometimes it can seem like that's what you think. When only couples or families get invited to lunch after church, dinner, game nights, etc, it can make those of us who are "unattached" feel a little less-than. It makes it super easy to fall for the lie that I will only have value to offer the community once I have a partner. I need to know that marriage is not easy. I can sometimes get trapped in "the grass is greener" thinking, as if singleness is a hard season to be endured but once/if I get married it will all be great! I know better, of course; I know that neither singleness nor marriage is easier than the other, that each season has its own difficulties and joys. But sometimes I need to be reminded, and what better way to be reminded than to get to see YOUR marriage up c...

Worth in the Waiting

I’ve always been a dreamy romantic at heart. My mom likes to tell the story of when I was a little girl and she found pencil marks all over a door frame in our house. She questioned us kids, and we all insisted we had definitely not been drawing on the door frame. As she continued to press us, the story came out: I was a princess, locked in a tower, and the pencil had been my “key.” Yep, my special talent as a child was getting lost in my own little world. Fast forward a few years, to when I was about 11 years old. I was just beginning to think boys were more cute than annoying, the concept of dating just starting to appear on my (distant) horizon. And then my parents came home from a conference and excitedly told us about this “new” concept they had heard about: courtship. Now, if you don’t already know, the definitions of “courtship” range from glorified dating, to just shy of arranged marriage. My parents, having just discovered the idea, weren’t sure yet where our family...

singularly satisfied.

satisfied. Something about the word just stirs me deep in my soul. I see the world around me running at a frantic pace in search of satisfaction. Commercials tell us this thing or that thing will satisfy us, books tell us that this lifestyle or that diet will satisfy us, we reach for this job or that degree or those relationships to satisfy us. But every time we jump a fence we discover that the grass is not actually greener on the other side.  We remain unsatisfied. We even have a song all about how "I can't get no satisfaction." I can't sing that song. Not because it's a 1965 rock song, but because it isn't true for me. I  can  get satisfaction. I am, in fact,  satisfied . Deeply, securely, forever,  singularly satisfied . Why the focus on singularly ?  I'm so glad you asked! See, I got the idea for this blog post on Valentine's Day.  As a single person.  Again/still.  My social media was filled to overflowing with t...

Dreams vs. Goals

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