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Showing posts from 2009

We're Here

Hey, I just thought I would let everyone know that we are in San Angelo...thanks to the Reid family, Joshua, and Robert for coming to help us pack and load up in Springtown! :) Our new house is pretty cool; maybe I'll get pictures posted eventually. It's a four bedroom, three bathroom house with living room, dining room, laundry room, kitchen, and breakfast nook. The breakfast nook will be our "classroom" and one of the bedrooms is the office. We're headed to Tulia, Tx later today to celebrate Christmas with Dad's side of the I need to get off of here because there are other things I need to get done before we leave! :) I hope you all had a great Christmas, and may your New Year be abundantly blessed! *hugs*

You Are Still God...

My friend Maegan gave me a "going away" present today that included a Scott Krippayne CD. The only song of his I'd ever heard was "I'm Not Cool", which I happen to love! So, tonight, while I was cleaning off my desk so I can finish packing my room tomorrow, I put the CD in to listen to it. I really like it so far, though now I'm stuck on this one song: "You Are Still God". It's just so perfect for the season of life I'm in right now! So perfect that I decided to post the lyrics, and a YouTube video I found of the song (with some random person's photos...), on here. Enjoy! *oh, and just FYI, sometime tomorrow our internet here in Springtown is getting cut off. So I'll be without internet at least until Wednesday. * You Are Still God I've prayed but still don't have answers At least none I'm able to see I've tried to rest in not knowing But not knowing's a hard place to be But as I return to Your pages The word...

But, God...

My life these days seems to be a list of "but, God..." prayers: But God, I don't want to move! But I will follow wherever You lead. But I don't want to have to let go...again! But I will live with open hands, clinging only to You. But my world is being shaken again, spiraling out of control. But You are still faithful, and You are in control. But everything is changing and uncertain. But You never change! But I love these people! But I love You more. But I don't understand why.... But You are still God. And I am still Yours. You still love me-- And I still trust You. It's as simple and as difficult as that.


*I wrote this in my journal the other night, and thought I would share it here...* Tonight there is peace. I am in my room--my "haven"--and my door is shut. The only sound is faint strains of the boys' classical music from where they sleep in their room next door. The only light is a few candles around my desk. My senses are flooded with a delectable blend of delightful scents--and my whole being is flooded with Peace. "My peace I give you," Jesus said. "Not as the world gives, give I unto you." There is still trouble in this world. Life can still be overwhelming. But here--now--in this place and this moment, there is peace in the midst of a fallen world. I'm reminded of Christmases past, when I would sit in the living room with only the Christmas lights and Christmas music on, staring into the tree and thinking: "This is Christmas." Peace in the midst of chaos. Quietness in the midst of noise. Resting, stopping even, in the midst of bus...

crazy good times

It has been a crazy good week. :) Saturday started with Dad, Micah, and I going to a Silent Siege with other people from our church (more on that in another post). Then we met up with my sister who was coming into town for the weekend and she and I met up with a couple friends (her friend Jennifer, who runs an orphanage in Bolivia, and Jennifer's sister Heather). We had lunch and just hung out at a mall in Dallas for awhile. Then, we got back to Weatherford just in time for Amber to drop me off at a babysitting job; then she came and picked me up when I got done around 9:15 or so. So, my day started standing in the gap for unborn babies, and ended snuggling a precious little sleeping baby girl. :) oh, is sweet! Sunday when we got home from church, we ate lunch then all quickly changed clothes to go play volleyball at the the rain. 'cause we're crazy like that . Monday my sister left, but not before we played some two on two basketball in the *freez...


I love my mom's digital camera. It means that when I'm taking pictures, I can just shoot and shoot and shoot away in the midst of all kinds of craziness chaos and cuteness in the hopes of getting at least one great shot

My Vulnerable God

That just sounds like such an oxymoron. God...vulnerable? No way, right? He's all-powerful, all-knowing, all- everything , how could He possibly be vulnerable? And yet, I am coming to realize, He is. I was reading Jeremiah 3 (and 4 ...and 5 ) this morning, and I was struck by the plaintive tone. The Lord is grieving over His wandering, rebellious people, calling them back to Himself. "Return to Me!" He cries out over and over. It is the heart of a vulnerable God breaking for His people. He is not vulnerable by default, as we are, He is vulnerable by choice . He has chosen to love us so much we can hurt Him. He has chosen to keep His arms held out, open wide to welcome us home. Think about it; that is a vulnerable , defenseless position. God is not remotely frail ; He is, indeed, incredibly strong. He is not helpless ; He is the one who holds the world in His hands. He does not need us ; He is the only truly self-sufficient one. Yet He is vulnerable --to us. For us. It...

random ramblings...

Aren't pointless posts fun sometimes?! :) Life is crazy (when is it not ?) around here right now, so I thought it would be fun to do a "my life in bullet list form" post. :) Here goes: football : I am blogging during half time of the Cowboys vs. Eagles game. (Go, Cowboys! :) They were leading, 10 to 6, going into the half). I like the Cowboys, of course, and I also like the Manning brothers...which means that, as long as they aren't playing the Cowboys, I cheer on the NY Giants and the Indianapolis Colts. :) So Peyton and the Colts won their game today over the Houston Texans (20-17), but Eli and the Giants lost, their fourth loss in a row, to the San Diego Chargers (21-20). :( Jonathan's favorite team, the Arizona Cardinals, won their game over the Chicago Bears (41-21). house hunting : we'll be moving back to San Angelo in December, so we've been trying to find a house. We looked at one in Robert Lee; the property it was on was nice, but Robert Lee is ne...

My Room Says...

...I love purple! :) (yes, Amber...I'm going to make my bed... ;) )

oh, look! it's a blog!

I really thought I was going to do better at blogging this month. Ha! I have a post in my drafts section that I started two weeks ago, but there it sits. It's going to require more time and thought to finish than I have at this moment, so it will have to wait. However, it IS going to get finished and posted at some point! :) Today, for most of the day it's just Jonathan and I here at home. Weird, huh? Daddy, Micah, and Josiah are at a men's retreat/camp-out with the church, and Momma had to work today. So, Jonathan and I are hanging out (read: cleaning house and putting the new sheets on the beds and icing cupcakes :) ). This evening, there is a "praise for pro-life" thing at a church here in Springtown that we're planning to go to. It's a fundraiser for a pregnancy center. (October 24, 6 pm, Outreach of Love church on Hwy 199 in Springtown, admission is a baby bottle full of change...just in case anyone wanted to know!) Tomorrow after church, we're ha...

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

Fall has pretty much arrived in Texas. Y'know, cooler days and mornings that are cold enough for a jacket...OK, OK, so our temperatures have been in the 80's for highs (which IS "cooler days"; over the summer we were consistently over 100 degrees!) and lows have been in the mid-fifties (which DOES have me pulling on a jacket!). And yep, that's pretty much fall around here. If it gets much colder, we'll be talking "winter". :) So in honor of fall--I've redecorated my blog. New background, new banner. The thing I'm going to miss the most about summer is swimming. We've loved having a pool in our backyard for the first time in a few years, but now it's getting to where the water is WAY too cold to try to go swimming. *sigh* What are y'all going to miss about summer? And let's take an unofficial poll: what is your favorite season, and why? Just leave a comment and share your great wisdom on the seasons with the rest of us! :) Happ...

just cause...

...he's cute... ...even when he's making a fish face. :)

Chisels, seasons, and focus...

So, it's been almost a month again since I've blogged. :P Sorry, y'all! My summer has been slightly wild and crazy. Now that it's settling down into a somewhat calmer routine, I'll try to get back into the habit of blogging. I miss it, really...I've logged on to blog several times and then just never actually got it done. Y'all probably think I'm going to talk about Chicago (finally). Well...not yet. I've got something else on my mind tonight. :) I'll try to get around to a Chicago post sometime this week though, OK? (hey! It's my blog and I can procrastinate if I want to! :) ) No, I'm thinking of chisels, seasons, and focus... Chisels . Actually, I've really just been thinking of one chisel--God's chisel. I've been reading in Deuteronomy lately in my quiet time, and there's a common theme in the verses that are jumping out at me. Things like finding joy in sacrifice (Deuteronomy 12:5-7); putting to death those things in ...


I cannot believe it has been over a month since I blogged... :P Time has flown!!! I'll try to do some catching up later. For now, just thought I'd let you all know that I am still alive and all that good stuff. :) And I would like to wish a slightly belated happy birthday to my very dear big sister Amber...she turned, *ahem*, 25 yesterday. :) And just in case you need a smile...enjoy some very special kiddos! :) Never fear... Spiderman and Batman are here! :) Everyone knows... anything is more fun in a tent! :) And... Clayton dances to Ernie Haase & Signature Sound singing "Get Away Jordan!" ( yes , he's doing ALL the jumping around and excited movement of his own accord! :) )

quick update (with an edit!)...

OK, I so wanted to blog about Chicago and get pictures sorted and posted *before* we left on the "puppet tour", but it's not going to happen. :) So--Chicago was awesome, and I'll post details and pictures sometime after I get back home on Tuesday! :) I did post pictures and a video of meeting/singing with Raluca (my Romanian friend with whom I write songs) on our " This HAS to be God! " blog, if you want to see: The next couple of days are going to be spent with about 17 of my favorite people outside my family--the Bruce family and the Peculiar Party Ministry Team. We are going to have SOOO much fun! :) We're headed to Shamrock, Tx to do "The Love Show". If you're within driving distance, we'd love to see you there! Shamrock, Texas; Community Center; 7 pm. :) *edit: that's Sunday night, by the way, July 12th. Sorry, forgot to say that! :P * I'm not even taking my computer, so I'll have no int...

Fwd: I miss you!

My dad texted this to me today with this caption- "I miss you!"

"My kind of town, Chicago is..."

Well, actually, I don't know yet if it's my kind of town. But I will soon! Amber and I are leaving in just a few hours to drive up to Chicago--by way of pick up my dear friend, Hannah--where we are going to see a "Broadway" play (OK, the Chicago version of Broadway!), tour the big city, hang out with my friend Hannah and Amber's friend Kezia, meet up with a couple other friends, Heidi and Raluca (my Romanian friend with whom I write songs!), and just in general have fun, go on an adventure, and make some memories! :) We will take lots of pictures, and hopefully some video, which I then will hopefully be able to get posted. If we have internet access wherever we are, I'll try to sort of blog along the way. :) And now, I'm off to bed. We have a long drive tomorrow. :)   Oh, but first I'd like to say: although I am quite certain I'll enjoy Chicago, nobody needs to worry about me, like, deciding to move there or anything. Becau...

Mountains and Walls

I feel like I’m on a mountain of sorts. Which is fitting since we’re talking about the Seven Mountains of Influence at church camp this week. Oh…you didn’t know I was doing church camp this week? I suppose that bit of ignorance could be attributed to the fact that I haven’t blogged in, um, almost forever. Sorry, y’all! It’s been a busy time, but it’s also been of time of evaluating why I blog and what the original purpose of this blog is. I don’t know if y’all remember, but the very reason I started a blog was to share with others what God is doing in my life. I think somewhere along the way I lost that, but now I want to come back to it. Not that there won’t be fun, rambling posts at times about the cute things the kids in my life say or stuff my dog does or just the normal weirdness of our family. But my focus is going to be on what God is teaching me and how He is working. Which brings me back to church camp. :) This is not your ordinary church camp (I wonder if RFF has ever done ...

Simply Sunday

the roly-poly I rescued while sitting out on our back step this morning :) taken by: me, on my cell phone

Puppets! :)

I got puppets for my birthday! :) They are cute and I'm looking forward to learning more and more about using them, etc. Just thought I'd "introduce" them to you! This is Katie! :) I just think that with those big blue eyes, Katie does this "shocked" look really well. :) Oh, boy, she's got attitude! :) She really looks like she's telling someone off here. And, the most adorable armadillo I have ever seen! :) He needs a name, though...does anyone have any suggestions?! Aw, look! My little nameless armadillo is shy... :) Or maybe the shy thing is an act! He looks like he's doing some kind of cool karate move here... hi- yah ! :) And, last but not least, the little guy even plays 'possum! :) So, those are my newest little friends. :) I just wanted to "share" them with you! And I'm serious, I'd love to have some suggestions on a name for my armadillo. :) Blessings! :)

Whoa! I'm 23?!

It's 11:04 pm . I am, officially, 23 years old. I don't know, that sounds weird to me. I don't feel 23! Although, I guess I also don't know how "23" is supposed to feel... *shrug* :) The point is, I still feel like a kid most of the time. I never grew up. And that is why one of my very favorite quotes is this one: "I am cleverly disguised as a responsible adult." Yep. Very cleverly disguised. :) And 23. That's me! And the only point to this post was to say that. I know, I'm weird. But that's why y'all love me, right?! :)

Wise & Witty Wednesday

Hey, y'all! Today's quote is a kinda fun one...I have no idea who said it, I "stole" it (with permission...which technically means it's not stolen...) from a friend's Facebook status. Thanks, Meagan! :)   "Just be yourself...everyone else is already taken."

Kayleigh...and Tuesday's Tidbit

Hey, all...hope you're ready for some tear-jerking news...I found out when I got on tonight to post "Tuesday's Tidbit" and was skimming over the blogs listed on my dashboard that sweet little Kayleigh Anne Freeman went home to be with Jesus last night . Please be praying for the rest of the Freeman family--Kayleigh's parents, Adam and Aimee, and her older siblings, Brandon and Allyson--as they walk through this heartbreaking time. Kayleigh was (and is!) a precious and very loved blessing in their life, and they are going to miss her a LOT. Father, thank You so much for the blessing of Kayleigh's precious, but so-short life! Please, wrap Your strong and loving arms around Adam, Aimee, Brandon, and Allyson; carry them through the rough days ahead, and let them feel Your overwhelming love surrounding them. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Here is today's tidbit: There is 1,525,000,000 miles of telephone wire strung across the U.S. Tomorrow I...

Something to think about...

It's been a long time since I've done a "something to think about" post! Mostly because I've been having a little difficulty getting my thoughts from the "thought" stage to the "word" stage. But they just keep swimming around in my head, percolating away, driving me crazy as they send my brain in a million ways all at once. So I'm going to try to scribble some of them out and hope they are somewhat clearer than mud sensible. Passion . The word is such a powerful one, resounding with strength and, for lack of a better word, excitement. It has always stirred very deep feelings and longings in me--I want to be a passionate person, driven by an all-consuming desire to love and live for God. I want to want Him more than anything . But that's just the problem: I usually feel like it stops with "wanting". I just want to be passionate, I don't actually live passionately. Yesterday at church, Pastor Joe told this story of a ...

Simply Sunday (and Happy Mother's Day!)

a flower I picked yesterday taken by: me, on my cell phone Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful, fantabulous moms out there! :) I pray that your day is full of rich blessings. We love you! *hugs*

Simply Sunday

great shot! :) my favorite part? the blue, blue sky... taken by: me (I think), in Colorado

Kayleigh, and May's word of the month

Wow, I can't believe it's May already. Y'all may have forgotten that way back in January , I did a "word of the month" and said something about doing one every month. Well...obviously, I haven't kept that up but I'm going to try again. First, though, I wanted to mention something else. Over on Kayleigh's blog , Adam and Aimee have written the sweetest, most heart-wrenching post and I suggest you go read it. Kayleigh's brain has started swelling, which is really not a good sign. It looks like the beginning of the end of her earthly life. Please be praying, especially for Adam and Aimee, Kayleigh's parents, and for Brandon and Allyson, Kayleigh's big brother and sister. So, a word of the month for May. I think that my word for this month is going to be... now . I have this really bad habit of spending a lot of time daydreaming, lost in some imaginary future. The problem is, I can't live in the future. I can only live in the now . Now is...

Wise & Witty Wednesday

Hey, y'all! :) I got today's quote out of a little book by Matt Redman (he wrote the popular praise song, "Heart of Worship") called The Unquenchable Worshipper . I'm only about three chapters into it, but so far it's been great! Anyway, here's the quote... "The consequence of abandonment never enters into our outlook, because our lives are so taken up with Him." --Oswald Chambers Thanks to those of you (Amber and Vanessa) who posted comments on my "trying something new..." post to let me know you can see it. :) Y'all are so sweet! So, it kind of worked...I was trying the post-something-to-the-blog-via-email thing using my cell phone (since the actual Blogger mobile thing won't work with our cell provider). The good news is, you can see what I was trying to post. The bad news is, I had to edit it because it also had all this other stuff from where it had to go through the Alltel web server or whatever. :P So, I can use the e-ma...

If eggs could talk...

...what would these be saying? :) (it didn't work the first time, so I'm trying it again! :P)
I'm just testing something new...if you can see this and a picture, it works! :-D

Simply Sunday

the sweetness of a baby's face... taken by: me

Praying for Kayleigh and the Freemans

Hey, y'all! OK, there's this blog that I've visited a few times, but because there are *so many* blogs out there I can't keep up with them all, I hadn't dropped by this one for a while. Well, I was on it today and wanted to ask you all to be praying for little Kayleigh and her family. Kayleigh was born June 23, 2008, three months premature and weighing only 1 pound 1 ounce. Her family calls her their "one pound blessing". :) She has spent her entire life to this point in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit), undergoing various surgeries, etc. Her latest surgery seemed to be a success, but now she is not responding as she should and the doctors have said she is basically brain dead. They were doing another EEG (not sure what that stands for, but it monitors brain activity or something like that) today; I don't know what the results of that are yet. Just, please be praying for this young family!!! Also ...real quick, wanted to let y'all know ...

Wise & Witty Wednesday

OK, today's "Wise & Witty" bit is going to be a poem I used to have memorized and still love...and need to remind myself of these days! Procrastination author unknown He was going to be all that a mortal should be-- Tomorrow. No one should be kinder or braver than he-- Tomorrow. A friend who was troubled and weary he knew, Who'd be glad for a lift, and who needed it, too; On him he would call and see what he could do-- Tomorrow. Each morning he stacked up the letters he'd write-- Tomorrow. And thought of the folks he would fill with delight-- Tomorrow. It was too bad, indeed, he was busy today, And hadn't a minute to stop on his way; More time he would have to give others, he'd say-- Tomorrow. The greatest of mortals this man would have been-- Tomorrow. The world would have known him would he ever have seen-- Tomorrow. But the fact is, he died, and he faded from view, And all that he left, when living was through, Was a mountain of things he intended t...


Those of you who know us, know how much we love our dogs. Almost two years ago, when we lived in San Angelo, Mom started talking about wanting a little dog. That was a bit unusual because we've always had big dogs and weren't really "little dog" people (they're usually so yappy!). But, Mom decided she wanted a little dog, "like a Pomeranian." Long story short, we ended up with the sweetest little fox-faced Pomeranian dog that we named Duchess. She fit right in to our family, and soon became the most spoiled, petted pup we'd ever had. Last night, when I got home from puppet practice, I went to let the dogs inside from where they'd been out on their cables while we were all gone. Somehow, Duchess had gotten tangled up in the cables, and was dead. We're all still in shock, or I am at least. It just isn't fathomable that she's gone. All day today, I keep expecting her to run into the room, jump up in my lap, or whine at the door just as ...

Simply Sunday

just a shot of the sky and trees, etc. from our front yard taken by: me, on my cell phone :)


Oh, I forgot ! I now have a button! :) Yep, since having a button for your blog seems to be the "in" thing these days I was bored last night with no internet connection, I was playing with this photo editing software I downloaded and made a button. So if you want to , you can put it on your blog. You know, if you want to. You can copy and paste the code below, or grab it from my left side bar. Whichever, I don't care. I'm in a weird mood tonight... :) Use this code to add my button to your blog: To add the button to your blog: go to the "customize" (or "layout") tab/section, click "add a gadget", select "HTML/Javascript", and paste the code you copied from here. Click "save", and voila! My button is on your blog! :) Love you guys! :)

Wise & Witty Wednesday

Hey, y'all! Here is today's wise and witty quote: "A planned life is a closed life; it can be endured, but it cannot be lived ." --Gladys Aylward on Inn of the 6th Happiness And, just in case anyone cared, I cleaned my desk off yesterday! :) I wanted to post this picture yesterday, but our internet was down, it is today! :) See, I can be organized...sort of...sometimes. :)

Concert pictures... :)

Concert reports are still in the works, but here are pictures from our EH&SS (Ernie Haase & Signature Sound) concert last Sunday. Enjoy the pictures while also enjoying hearing "the guys" sing! :)

Simply Sunday/Happy Resurrection Day!

*I tried to post this earlier, but my computer was having issues...* Christ the Lord is risen today--Morning has broken--Death has lost, and life has won--Because He lives, life is worth the living--He's alive, and I'm forgiven; heaven's gates are opened wide--Since I've found the Source of music, I just can't help it, God gave the song! (and yes, life is a song around here...a Gaither song, more often than not!) a sunset taken by: me, on my cell phone

My room says...

Hey, y'all! :) I know I missed both Tuesday and Wednesday this week; I was working both days. And I still need to write about the concerts we went to this weekend and get pictures up from the second one. And I will...eventually. :) Maybe tomorrow, we'll see. For now, I've got a kinda fun idea. I've taken pictures of random things around my room, and I figure I'll share one every now and then with the idea that "my room says" a lot about me! :) So here's one for today: My room says... I'm disorganized! :) And this was taken a couple weeks gets even better: this was taken just a minute ago. :) I wonder...what does your room say about you ?

Simply Sunday

the hail on our back porch earlier this week taken by: my Momma : )

Pictures from the Homecoming concert....

Hey, y'all! :) Mom and I went to the Gaither Homecoming concert in Ft. Worth last night. I'll get an official "report" written up later (it was AWESOME!!! :) ), but for now, here are some pictures you can enjoy....while also enjoying listening to a great song by the GVB, featuring the one and only Wes Hampton. :)

Tuesday's Tidbit, etc.

Today's tidbit is a heartbreaking one, and one that I went and looked up because this is an issue that is very important to me. For every two babies born another baby dies in an abortion. That's 1.2 million babies each year. That's over 3,300 babies every day. That's 1 baby every 25 seconds. That's over 50 million babies since 1973. And that's just here in America... Here's a few more tidbits: Do You Know? At 22 days after conception, a baby's heart is already beating. Do You Know? At 6 weeks, brain waves can be measured. At 8 weeks, the stomach, liver, and kidneys are functioning, and fingerprints have formed. At 9 weeks, the unborn child can feel pain. Do You Know? That 700,000 abortions are performed each year in America after 9 weeks into the pregnancy. Do You Know? The overwhelming majority of all abortions, 93%, are done as a means of birth control. Only 1% are performed because of rape or incest; 3% because of fetal abnormalities; 3% due to th...

Simply Sunday

have I mentioned that I love the sky? :D taken by: me, on my cell phone

Today, Tomorrow

Maybe that's an odd title for a blogpost, but I was drawing a blank and that's what I'm going to talk about, so... :D Today I'm kinda proud of myself. For snacks today I've had two bananas and a box of grapes, and at the moment, despite my nearly irresistible craving for either cookie dough (which we don't have in the house) or a spoon of peanut butter (which we *always* have in the house!), I'm eating an apple. The real shocker of the day, though, is that I ate broccoli at lunch. And I got seconds. And yes, I smothered it in hot sauce (don't like Ranch dressing!). But I ate it! :D OK, so only the people who really know me know what a big deal all of that is. I guess I'll move on now... Tomorrow --now, I'm very excited and a little nervous about tomorrow. We're going to spend most of the day at the Astles' house, hanging out with them. We'll get to meet the youngest Astle, little Christopher who was born last October. That's the ...

Pray, pray, pray for Stellan!

Hey all! Ooops, I missed both Tuesday and Wednesday...sorry! Part of it is our crazy internet that has been acting up the last couple of days. So, I was going to post a nice, long, random post today, but it's late, I'm tired, and my laptop battery is about to give out (remember the crazy internet connection? it doesn't work worth a hill of beans in my bedroom [:P] so I'm in the living room and didn't feel like transporting the cord. :D). So I'm just going to post a quick plea for prayer. [and I just used the word "so" three times in the same paragraph. told you I'm tired.] Y'all may remember a while back when I posted a "pray for Stellan" post when he had RSV. Well, he's back in the hospital--with SVT, a heart condition that almost killed him in utero. He was born with a perfectly healthy heart by God's miraculous power, but now the same problem is back, and it is a dangerous one. MckMama and her precious family would covet y...

Simply Sunday

the view of our neighbor's property from our "back forty" :D taken by: me, on my cell phone

Wise & Witty Wednesday

OK, I really do have a "real" blog post in the works...y'know, something besides some trivial fact or a quote or a picture. Hopefully, maybe I'll get it finished and published sometime tomorrow...but if not tomorrow, it will be at least Sunday before I *do* get to it, because we're going to Tulia to see my grandmother this weekend. And now, I'll give you a great quote and then I'm off to bed, BEFORE midnight!! :D "My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it." --Mark Twain (love you, Momma! :D)

Tuesday's Tidbit

Hey, all!! Well, so technically it's not actually Tuesday anymore, but hey... *shrug* close enough, right? :D I thought this was a fitting tidbit for St. Patrick's Day: Windmills always turn counter-clockwise. Except for the windmills in Ireland. On a not-so-lighter note, y'all may remember me posting the "pray for Jonah" request a week or so ago, and/or you may have seen Jonah's button over to the left. I just wanted to remind y'all to keep praying for Jonah, and his precious mommy and daddy. Patrice's post today made me cry...they are really going through the wringer right now. They're supposed to get the specific diagnosis on Jonah tomorrow (or later today...Wednesday!), so please remember them in your prayers especially on this day. Here's the link to their blog: