Here is today's wise & witty quote: "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." --Helen Keller Speaking of life's adventures, little Stellan's latest adventure seems to be winding down somewhat. He's been moved to the step-down ICU and his breathing is getting much better. Here's MckMama's latest update: Oh, and also speaking of life's adventures, I'm going to try to get a "year in review" post done either later tonight or tomorrow...we'll see when it happens! We have company here tonight, so it might depend on when she leaves. Well, I've gotta go finish supper. LOL, that reminds me of a game we played Christmas night. It's called "Imagine If...", and it has all these cards with crazy "imagine if" questions on them, and you have to insert the name of someone playing. One of the cards that had my name asked, "Imagine if Haley were a tr...